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adjective - (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.​
Origin: -mid 17th century: from Greek pandēmos (from pan 'all' + dēmos 'people') + -ic​
We wish to promote the ideas of reclaiming real life spaces and images in response to the advanced capitalist dystopia we now find​
ourselves in. We now experience life through an abstraction in the form of advertising, prescribed gender and social roles and​ media manipulation which leads to the us living in a substitute for reality instead of living reality itself. Via television​ documentaries we have armchair tourism, via royal spectacles we have emotional tourism, via soap operas we have drama and​ intrigue, via reality T.V we are given "reality". We advocate that we: create not consume; question not accept, and act and not just​

The purpose of PANDEMIC is to inspire as many people as possible, to spread like a DISEASE - we wish to kill BOREDOM and​ replace it with the CREATION of a better life.​

We already have many visual artists, writers, activists, lecturers, performers and musicians involved and there is always room for more. We remain open to anybody.


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